BST iPQ-Spectral
Application area
Printing method: all types of web presses
Materials: all types of materials (foil, paper and metallized surfaces on request)
System performance
Max. Web speed:1.000 m/min
Max. Web width: 2.500 mm,wider webs on request
Measuring sensor
Sensor type: Spectrophotometer
Spectral range: 380 -730 nm
Result resolution: 10 nm steps
Light source: Xenon flash
Measurement accuracy: Typically <1 Eab (D50, 2°) to an X-Rite® XRGA-compliant gauge
Short-term repeatability: Typ. <0,1 E*CIELAB (50,2°) on white
Calibration: automatic,calibration to white normal
Measuring field size: min. 5 x 5 mm, depending on the material dynamics in the pressure control strip or on homogeneous surfaces
Measuring conditions
Standards: ISO 13655:2009, ISO 11664-1:2011, ISO 28178, ISO 5-3:2009, DIN 16536:1997
Measurement background: White or black according to ISO 13655:2009
Measuring distance: 20mm
Measuring geometry: 45° / 0°, directional
Measurement results
Output color values: CIE L*a*b*C*H*
Output density values: D, optionally relative or absolute, status E/T/A/I
Color distances: Delta E Lab, Delta E CMC, Delta E 2000, Delta E94
Density distances: D
Types of lighting: D50, D65, A, C, D75,F2, F7, F11
Standard Observer: 2°, 10°
Data export / import:CxF3 and CGATS.17