BST – the start for your career




Would you like to complete an apprenticeship with maximum practical relevance and promising prospects for the future? Are you looking for a training company that is internationally successful and versatile? Then BST is the right place for you.

In Germany, at our headquarters in Bielefeld Altenhagen, we have been training committed young professionals with an interest in technology in various apprenticeships for many years.

In cooperation with the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences, we offer dual study programs in electrical engineering, mechatronics and computer engineering. 

Dual studies - what is it?

The basic idea behind dual studies is to integrate university studies and practical work in a company right from the start. This is made possible by limiting all courses at the university to four days a week during the lecture period. On the fifth day of the week and during the lecture-free period, students work in the company. In the course of their studies, students are increasingly involved in company projects.

Training offer

IT Specialist for system integration

Field of Activity
What does an IT specialist for system integration (m/f/d) do?

IT specialists specializing in system integration or IT specialists for system integration are responsible for the planning and configuration of IT systems. This includes:

installing and setting up hardware components, operating systems and networks according to customer requirements.
When faults occur, they are on hand with modern diagnostic systems and help users with application problems.

During your training as an IT specialist for system integration, you will learn many different subjects. Among other things, you will learn how to distinguish between operating systems and their areas of application and what you need to consider when customizing and configuring them, how to apply programming logic and methods, and what to look out for when testing systems.

Secondary school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss), A-levels, or equivalent qualification, preferably with a technical focus.

Length of Apprenticeship
The apprenticeship normally lasts 3 years, but can be shortened by six months in exceptional cases if the apprentice is particularly skilled.

Training Site
Bielefeld Altenhagen

Content of the Apprenticeship

  • Data analysis, data administration, data development
  • conducting user trainings
  • develop user-friendly interfaces
  • customize, improve and test applications
  • support and maintenance of information and telecommunication systems
  • support of networks
  • creation of technical documentations
  • IT support

Are you interested and are you committed, motivated and willing to learn?
Apply now

Warehouse logistics specialist

Field of Activity
What does a warehouse logistics specialist do?

Warehouse logistics specialists accept delivered goods and check their quantity and condition. They organize unloading, sort the goods and store them. In the outgoing goods department, they plan the order in which the goods are to be delivered and determine the most favorable shipping method. They assemble deliveries, pack the goods and prepare accompanying documents. They also load trucks, operate forklifts and secure the cargo.

They also improve the internal flow of information and materials from procurement to sales. They research from whom goods can be purchased, draw up bid comparisons, order goods and arrange payment for them. An interest in logistical and economic topics, flexibility, strong communication skills and enjoyment of physical work are a great advantage.

With us, you can expect a friendly and qualified team, a modern workplace, flexible working hours and good chances of being taken on.

Good secondary school leaving certificate or technical secondary school leaving certificate

Length of Apprenticeship
The apprenticeship normally lasts 3 years, but can be shortened by six months in exceptional cases if the apprentice is particularly skilled.

Training Site
Bielefeld Altenhagen

Content of the Apprenticeship

  • Receiving, storing and picking goods
  • Digital control of the flow of goods
  • Planning and organizing logistics processes
  • Checking and dispatching goods

Are you interested and are you committed, motivated and willing to learn?
Apply now

Electronics engineer

Field of Activity
Electronics engineers are needed for manufacturing, testing, and troubleshooting high-end real-time vision and high-speed control systems. These systems are for information and communication technology or measurement and testing technology. Electronics engineers work in a wide range of areas. They work mainly in medium-sized and larger industrial companies, which manufacture, assemble, and maintain electronic systems, appliances, and components. Traditional tasks include single-unit production, switch cabinet construction, apparatus engineering, and circuit board production, including the professional soldering of individual components. To guarantee the best possible work in this area, we expect familiarity in working with ERP and PPS systems, qualified knowledge of materials, and good communication skills.

Secondary school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss), A-levels, or equivalent qualification, preferably with a technical focus.

Length of Apprenticeship
The apprenticeship normally lasts 3.5 years, but can be shortened by six months in exceptional cases if the apprentice is particularly skilled.

Training Site
Bielefeld Altenhagen

Content of the Apprenticeship

  • Analysis of electrotechnical systems and testing of their functionality
  • Production of electromechanical and electrical components
  • Testing of circuit boards and their repair
  • Assembly and wiring of components and appliances of energy, communication, and drive technology
  • Inspection, measurement, adjustment, and comparison of components and appliances
  • Commissioning of components and appliances
  • Repair of components and appliances
  • Switch cabinet construction and commissioning of complete systems

Are you interested and are you committed, motivated and willing to learn?
Apply now

Mechatronics engineer

Field of Activity
Mechatronics engineers are needed to assemble and maintain complex electromechanical machinery, plant equipment, and high-tech systems. Additional skills are also required, including mechanical engineering and training for clients and operators of these mechatronic systems. Tasks must be carried out independently at various locations – especially at installation sites, in workshops, and in the service sector – using documents and instructions. The engineers frequently work as part of a team, coordinate their work with upstream and downstream sectors, and must exhibit good communication skills.

Secondary school leaving certificate (Realschulabschluss), A-levels, or equivalent qualification, preferably with a technical focus.

Length of Apprenticeship
The apprenticeship normally lasts 3.5 years, but can be shortened by six months in exceptional cases if the apprentice is particularly skilled.

Training Site
Bielefeld Altenhagen

Content of the Apprenticeship

  • Analysis of functional interactions in mechatronic systems
  • Manufacture of mechanical subsystems
  • Installation of electrical operating equipment, taking safety-related aspects into account
  • Investigation of the flow of energy and information in electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic components
  • Communication with the help of data processing systems
  • Planning and organization of workflows
  • Realization of mechatronic subsystems
  • Investigation of the flow of information in complex mechatronic systems
  • Planning of assembly and dismantling
  • Commissioning, troubleshooting, and repair
  • Preventative maintenance
  • Handover of mechatronic systems to customers

Are you interested and are you committed, motivated and willing to learn?
Apply now

Industrial clerk

Field of Activity
Industrial clerks deal with commercial and business areas of duty within the company, such as materials logistics, sales and marketing, HR, finance, and accounting. Their fields of duty range from job acceptance to the sale of products and services.

Advanced technical college entrance qualification (Fachhochschulreife), A-levels, or equivalent qualification, preferably with a commercial focus.

Length of Apprenticeship
The apprenticeship will take place in the training company and at the vocational college. It normally lasts three years.

Training Site
Bielefeld Altenhagen

Content of the Apprenticeship

  • Purchasing, storing, and supplying goods in a timely manner for the production process
  • Preparing and comparing invitations to tender
  • Creating orders
  • Planning, controlling, and monitoring production processes
  • Managing personnel files and statistics
  • Carrying out payroll accounting
  • Checking and processing inquiries, calculating prices
  • Processing, handling, and monitoring orders
  • Sending goods, producing freight documents, handling customs formalities
  • Processing financial and business accounts
  • Checking incoming invoices
  • Making payments

Are you interested and are you committed, motivated and willing to learn?
Apply now

Application tips for your start in working life

Applying for a job marks the beginning of a new phase in your life. You are now competing with many other applicants who are interested in an apprenticeship. That's why the form, content and timing of your application are very important: There is no second chance for a first impression!

If you want to stand out and convince with your application, you should invest some time. Typed sample templates look impersonal and get lost in the crowd. That's why it's very important that you think carefully about why you have chosen a particular training occupation. Do your strengths match the requirements of the job description? What are the tasks and activities of your dream job? - and do they match your skills and interests? In your letter of application, also explain why you would like to start your training at EMG and why you are the right candidate for this training position.


Deine Bewerbung

Du bewirbst Dich bei uns über unser Stellenportal.


Was gehört zur erfolgreichen Bewerbung?

  • Bewerbungs­anschreiben
  • vollständige Adresse, in der Anrede korrekten Ansprech­partner angeben, Angabe des Ausbildungs­berufes und Ausbildungsstarts (bei BST startet die Ausbildung immer zum 01.09.)
  • Angabe der Bezugs­quelle (Stellenanzeige in welcher Zeitung, Berufsmesse, Internet etc.)
  • keine Wiederholung des Anzeigen­textes, vielmehr Bezug auf die Voraus­setzungen des Berufs­bildes sowie Deine Stärken und Interessen
  • Lebenslauf (lückenlose Dokumentation des bisherigen Lebens), auf Vollständigkeit achten (Name, Anschrift, Geburts­datum und -ort, Eltern und Geschwister, berufliche Erfahrungen, schulischer Werde­gang, besondere Qualifikationen wie Sprach- und EDV-Kenntnisse sowie Hobbys, ehren­amtliche Tätigkeiten oder Vereins­mitgliedschaften


Bewerbungsfoto, wenn möglich, vom Foto­grafen machen lassen. Keine Automaten­bilder, privaten Urlaubsfotos oder Ganzkörper­fotos. Sag dem Fotografen, für was Du Dich bewerben willst. Auf Foto­klebe­ecken und Büro­klammern solltest Du ver­zichten – besser einen Fotokleber nutzen.

Was passiert nach der Bewerbung?

Zunächst erhältst Du Bescheid, dass Deine Bewerbung bei uns eingegangen ist. Jetzt heißt es, bis zum Bewerbungsschluss etwas Geduld zu haben. Bei entsprechender Qualität Deiner Bewerbung wirst Du zum Einstellungs­test eingeladen. Nach der Test­auswertung laden wir Dich zum Vorstellungs­gespräch ein. Danach fällt die Entscheidung, welche Bewerber als neue BST-Azubis eingestellt werden. Die Ausbildung beginnt im September des folgenden Jahres. Deinen Ausbildungs­vertrag erhältst Du unmittelbar nach telefonischer Zusage.

Duales Studium – Was ist das?

In Kooperation mit der technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe bieten wir duale Studiengänge in den Bereichen Elektrotechnik, Mechatronik und Technische Informatik an. 

Grundgedanke des Dualen Studiums ist, Hochschulstudium und praktische Arbeit im Betrieb von Anfang an zu integrieren. Das wird ermöglicht, indem während der Vorlesungszeit alle Veranstaltungen an der Hochschule auf vier Tage in der Woche beschränkt sind. Am fünften Wochentag und in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit arbeiten die Studentinnen und Studenten im Unternehmen. Im Verlauf des Studiums werden sie mehr und mehr in Projekte des Unternehmens eingebunden.


Deine Vorteile

  1. Du studierst im Dualen Studium mit all denen, die das Studium ohne begleitende Berufspraxis-Einheiten absolvieren.
  2. Die Regelstudienzeit im praxisintegrierten Dualen Studium ist nicht länger als die eines konventionellen Bachelor-Studiums. Das ausbildungsintegrierte Studium bietet den Facharbeiter- bzw. Gesellenbrief als zusätzlichen Abschluss.
  3. Bereits während des Studiums kannst Du wertvolle praktische Erfahrungen sammeln und bereits während des Studiums bekommst Du in beiden Studienmodellen eine Ausbildungsvergütung.


Unsere Studienmodelle

Ausbildungsintegriertes Modell

Beim ausbildungsintegrierten Modell wird zusätzlich ein Ausbildungs­vertrag geschlossen, der zum Facharbeiter- bzw. Gesellenbrief führt. Das erste Jahr wird als vor­gelagerte betriebliche Ausbildungs­zeit absolviert, bevor ab dem 2. Jahr parallel zur Fach­arbeiter-/Gesellen­aus­bildung das Bachelor-Studium absolviert wird. Die Ausbildungs­dauer beträgt in der Regel insgesamt 4 Jahre.

Praxisintegriertes Modell

Das praxisintegrierte Modell beginnt mit dem Bachelor Studium sofort. Die Ausbildungsdauer beträgt in der Regel 3 Jahre wie für ein konventionelles Bachelor-Studium. Auch hier wird von Anfang an die praktische Arbeit im Betrieb parallel absolviert.


Abschluss Fachhochschulreife, Abitur oder vergleichbarer Abschluss, bevorzugt technische Ausrichtung


Bielefeld Altenhagen

Contact person

Nicola Ruschhaupt

Head of commercial training

+49 521 400 70 259

Christian Beitelhoff

Head of industrial-technical training

+49 521 400 70 658